I have long had a fascination for candles. I am captivated by the scent of the wax and the touch the hot molten wax on my skin. I am fascinated by the flickering flame and the

soft light that seems to dispell not just the darkness but somehow fear itself.
This is a very dark time of the year and I find that I find solace in my beeswax candles, my tealights, my pillar candles and my religious candles that I purchase from the local dollarama.
While I have many soy candles, I believe for the brightness and purity you cannot do better than beeswax candles. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
In the monasteries candles were used to tell the time when the monks had to pray. For many years and centuries the candle was the only source of light people had and I imagine manuscripts and letters being written by the light of a candle or two.
We have electrical candles now.While I agree they are much safer they lack the ambiance and unlike the beeswax candles are not a window or a touchstone of the past. One can hardly imagine monks toiling over illuminated manuscript with one lamenting " oh my brothers we need new batteries"
Candles are a window into our past, a source of inspiration and awe and above all lovely
Light some candles!